This document specifies the semantics and behavior of the O Programming Language for compiler designers be informed how the language is designed.
This specification is a DRAFT and will be the discussions drive over olang-dev mailing list.
This is the O Programming Language EBNF grammar specification[^1]
[^1]: EBNF variant and live test can be accessed here
NOTE: This grammar spec is a DRAFT and it covers only a small portion of the language.
(* Entry Point *) <translation-unit> ::= (<ows> (<external-declaration>) <ows> (<end-of-statement> | <end-of-file>))* (* Translation Unit *) <external-declaration> ::= <common-statement> | <function-definition> (* Variables *) <variable-definition> ::= 'var' <ws> <variable-name> <ows> ':' <ows> <type> <ows> <variable-initializer>? <constant-definition> ::= 'const' <ws> <variable-name> <ows> ':' <ows> <type> <ows> <variable-initializer> <variable-name> ::= <identifier> <variable-initializer> ::= '=' <ows> <expression> (* Functions *) <function-definition> ::= ('extern' <ws>)? 'fn' <ws> <function-name> <ows> '(' ( <ows> | <ows> <function-params> <ows> ) ')' <ows> ':' <ows> <return-type> <ows> <function-body>? <function-name> ::= <identifier> <function-params> ::= <identifier> <ows> ':' <ows> <type> ( <ows> ',' <ows> <function-params>)* <return-type> ::= <type> <function-body> ::= <block> <block> ::= '{' <ows> <statement> <ows> (<end-of-statement> <ows> <statement> <ows>)* <end-of-statement>? <ows> '}' <function-args> ::= <expression> (<ows> ',' <ows> <function-args>)* <function-call> ::= <function-name> <ows> '(' ( <ows> | <ows> <function-args> <ows> ) ')' <statement> ::= <common-statement> | <if-statement> | <while-statement> | <return-statement> | <function-call> <if-statement> ::= 'if' <ws> <expression> <ows> <block> ( <ows> 'else' ( <ows> <block> | <ows> <if-statement> ) )? <while-statement> ::= 'while' <ws> <expression> <ows> <block> <return-statement> ::= 'return' <ws> <expression> (* Statements *) <end-of-statement> ::= ';' | <line-break> <common-statement> ::= <variable-definition> | <constant-definition> | <expression> <assignment-operator> ::= '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' (* Expressions *) <expression> ::= <binary-expression> <binary-expression> ::= <assignment-expression> <assignment-expression> ::= <logical-or-expression> (<ows> <assignment-operator> <ows> <logical-or-expression>)* <logical-or-expression> ::= <logical-and-expression> (<ows> '||' <ows> <logical-and-expression>)* <logical-and-expression> ::= <bitwise-or-expression> (<ows> '&&' <ows> <bitwise-or-expression>)* <bitwise-or-expression> ::= <bitwise-xor-expression> (<ows> '|' <ows> <bitwise-xor-expression>)* <bitwise-xor-expression> ::= <bitwise-and-expression> (<ows> '^' <ows> <bitwise-and-expression>)* <bitwise-and-expression> ::= <cmp-equality-expression> (<ows> '&' <ows> <cmp-equality-expression>)* <cmp-equality-expression> ::= <cmp-relational-expression> (<ows> ('==' | '!=') <ows> <cmp-relational-expression>)* <cmp-relational-expression> ::= <bitwise-shift-expression> (<ows> ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') <ows> <bitwise-shift-expression>)* <bitwise-shift-expression> ::= <additive-expression> (<ows> ('<<' | '>>') <ows> <additive-expression>)* <additive-expression> ::= <multiplicative-expression> (<ows> ('+' | '-') <ows> <multiplicative-expression>)* <multiplicative-expression> ::= <unary-expression> (<ows> ('*' | '/' | '%') <ows> <unary-expression>)* <unary-expression> ::= (<unary-operator> <ows>)* <primary-expression> <unary-operator> ::= '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' <primary-expression> ::= <integer-literal> | <variable-name> | <function-call> | '(' <ows> <expression> <ows> ')' (* Identifiers *) <type> ::= ('u8' | 'u16' | 'u32' | 'u64') (<ows> '*')* <identifier> ::= (<alpha> | '_') (<alpha> | <digit> | '_')* (* Literals *) <integer-literal> ::= <integer-base10> | <integer-base16> <integer-base10> ::= #'[1-9]' (<digit> | '_')* | '0' <integer-base16> ::= #'0[Xx]' <hex-digit> (<hex-digit> | '_')* (* Utilities *) <ws> ::= <white-space>+ <ows> ::= <white-space>* <white-space> ::= <linear-space> | <line-break> <line-break> ::= #'[\n\v\f\r]' | '\r\n' <linear-space> ::= #'[ \t]' <alpha> ::= #'[a-zA-Z]' <digit> ::= #'[0-9]' <hex-digit> ::= <digit> | #'[a-fA-F]' <end-of-file> ::= #'$'